Accelerating Business Value with Data

IDC reveals: Businesses that establish stronger Data-to-Insights pipelines make better decisions that result in better business outcomes.

Businesses are increasing their focus on data.

  • IDC Data to Insights

    In the short-term . . .

    25% of businesses expect short-term spending on data management and analytics solutions to increase.1
  • IDC Data to Insights

    and in the long run.

    87% of CXOs say that becoming a more intelligent enterprise is their priority for the next five years.1

How closely is data tied with business success?

IDC conducted a global study of 1,200 organizations1 to find out, and the results were clear. Companies with a higher ability to identify, gather, transform and analyze data to clean insights benefited from higher-quality decision-making and, ultimately, better business outcomes.

  • IDC Data to Insights
    Establishing a Data-to-Insights pipeline mapped to 17% higher efficiency, 17% more revenue and 17% greater profit.
  • IDC Data to Insights
    86% of organizations with higher data analytics pipeline scores had the highest decision-making scores.
  • IDC Data to Insights
    67% of organizations with higher decision-making scores had the highest business outcomes scores.

How does your business rate?

Find out where you fall on the Data-to-Insights spectrum.
Take the IDC assessment to determine how successfully your business is making use of data.

Optimizing your data pipeline is more important than ever.

IDC analyst Dan Vesset explores the trends toward deeper reliance on data and more robust data pipelines.

Accelerating business value starts with your Data-to-Insights pipeline.

Accelerating business value starts with your data-to-insights pipeline.

The proof is here: optimized data pipelines lead to better decision-making and improved business outcomes. To make the most of your data, you need an end-to-end pipeline that takes raw data from a wide variety of sources, integrates it, and analyzes it for real-time use – all without disrupting your current infrastructure or locking in your data.

At Qlik, that’s exactly what we deliver. And we’d like to show you how.

1IDC InfoBrief, Sponsored by Qlik, Data as the New Water: The Importance of Investing in Data and Analytics Pipelines, Doc. #US46445920, June 2020.